Friday, September 14, 2007

It's official it's mine...all mine (and the bank's)

Welcome to first time homeownership. Thought there was going be a problem over the wood stove but the seller decided to cave and concede on the credit issue just to close. Tired I am.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007


I want to scream! So much for the wood burning stove in the condo. That had to go because no one got a permit or approval for the installation. Settlement is Friday so I had no choice. Or else I had to wait up to 3 weeks. I'm not making any sense.

I'm hating my job. I have the micro manager from hell who makes stupid demands up on the fly.

This sucks. This too will pass.

Saturday, September 08, 2007


Took one step closer to home ownership today. I signed the mortgage papers. Panic attack. It wasn't as bad as I thought. Still some more details to complete. More paperwork.

Still more packing to do. The hopping roomies are no help.

Tuesday, September 04, 2007


I still have a crap load of stuff to pack. I did rid of quite a bit. I did give clothes to Goodwill and books to the library. Somethings I just can't part with. Some I've had since childhood. I thought about ebaying some stuff but it would take a week or more to post it all. The only issue is how much of it would actually sell. Then there is the shipping costs so I just chucked it all. Just keep packing.

Sunday, September 02, 2007


Pooped out from cleaning and packing today. Actually I'm more tired from the multiple trips to the dumpster. I think I'll load the car up and drive to the dumpster next time. I'm about ready to crash.